Variation in Hospital Charges: 1995-96
Experiment in Mandated Disclosure to the Public.
observational study of local variation in hospital charges arose in the
environment of one of the most comprehensive state attempts at health care
reform. In the early 1990s, at the
same time the Clinton health care reform plan was being debated in Washington,
the Commonwealth of Kentucky enacted into law a comprehensive reform plan that
in many ways was modeled on the Clinton strategy. Alas, we will never know what parts of this state experiment
would have succeeded. It was
largely repealed two years after enactment due to withering opposition by the
health care industry. I have no
way of knowing if the situation regarding hospital charges that I will describe
below has changed from 1996. My
informed suspicion is that it has not.
To this day I still cannot understand my personal medical bills– and I
used to be a health executive!
the same problems of quality and affordability are still with us. Indeed, for
affordability, the problem is worse.
With respect to quality it is difficult to know whether there has been
improvement or not because of the related barrier of non-transparency. Certainly tremendous effort and much
money have been put into attempting to measure quality, but I am not personally
enthusiastic about the usefulness of the information received. For all the money Medicare and the
hospitals themselves put into measuring hospital quality, it could recently be
concluded that only a handful of hospitals have a mortality rate for heart
attack that is either better or worse than average! I have to ask, why bother measuring at all if your method of
study cannot find any difference?
Measure something else or measure it differently! It is not true that all hospitals
provide care of equal quality, and certainly not for the same cost.
to make health care information about cost and quality more public are still
part of today's ongoing public policy debate. For that reason, I dusted off this old study. I was an old laboratory scientist back
then and this was one of my very first forays into health policy research. I am the first to admit that it was,
and is not cutting edge research, but I found it of great interest personally
at the time and believe others will too.
I abandoned efforts to publish it back then because of objections from
my University. Even though such
studies of institutional or regional variation make no initial value judgments,
this kind of information is embarrassing to some hospitals. I regret that I was not in a position
to further test the limits of my academic freedom at
the time.
effort to provide more information to the public in 1995 did not work as
planned. It was too easy to ignore
by providers, it may not have asked the right initial questions, and the public
was not assisted in transforming the information into something they could
use. The same forces resisting
change then still operate today.
As I write this, the outcome of "National Health Care Reform
2010" in Washington is unknown to me. I will not be surprised, but will be disappointed if we are
left as a nation with the status quo of declining access to a health care
system of unknowable quality.
Peter Hasselbacher, MD
Louisville, KY
19 Jan 2010
Care Reform and Kentucky House Bill 250:
Disclosure of Hospital Charges.
preliminary review of the results from Jefferson County
Peter Hasselbacher, MD
Professor of Medicine
University of Louisville
Prepared: September 11, 1996
recent Kentucky health care reform law mandated public disclosure of the
maximum charges for selected services by different categories of
providers. For this study, I
compared the posted charges of all the acute care hospitals in Jefferson County
in 1995 and 1996. Not
surprisingly, there were substantial differences. The results are summarized in the following pages. For example, the posted price of a
mammogram at the most expensive hospital was almost triple that at the least
expensive hospital. Charges varied considerably between categories of
services. To attempt to predict
the total charges of an aggregate package of services, a hypothetical admission
was defined. Based on such a
hypothetical construct, the most expensive hospital had a 37% higher charge
than the least expensive. The
charge for the hypothetical admission correlated very well with actual total
charges to Medicare patients with pneumonia by the same hospitals (r=0.8,
p=0.022). Quality of service does
not provide an explanation for these differences.
by hospitals cannot be said to be a meaningless construct just because not
everyone pays them. For individual
services, posted prices give consumers meaningful information on which to basis
decisions. Posted prices appear to give a valid estimate of expected total
charges of actual hospital admissions.
is true that charges by themselves comprise only one input into the estimation
of value. The quality and utility
of the services purchased is also a part of the value calculus. Regardless of any independent
variation in quality of medical care, without meaningful knowledge of the cost
of that care, the prospective patient (and their advisors) have an invalid base
on which to make a decision about where to go for medical services. The demonstration of substantial
variation in medical charges by hospitals within a single county begs to be
explained or defended, and has important public policy implications.
Compliance with HB 250 was not uniform, nor even good.
Posted prices were not always, and probably not usually current.
There were substantial differences in price for a
specific item. Generally, the most
expensive hospital posted more than double the price of the least expensive,
but often the ratio was much higher.
Prices of some items were difficult to interpret even for an experienced
observer. This was due to
different units of service used, ambiguity about associated charges, or arbitrary
or unknowable determinations of level of service.
No one hospital had the highest charges for all items. A hospital with the most
expensive mammogram might have had average or low charges for other items.
When different categories of services were combined in
a hypothetical admission, services at the most expensive hospital cost 37% more
than at the least expensive one.
This figure increased to at least 41% in 1996.
The differences in charges cannot be related to
“quality of care.”
Hospitals do not appear to set their charges for a given service based on the
cost of providing that service.
Charges were increased across the board or within broad categories.
For a common Medicare admission (DRG-89; Pneumonia)
actual average charges to real patients correlated quite well with the cost of
the hypothetical admission. It
therefore cannot be said that posted prices are without value in identifying
cost effective hospital providers.
There are substantial differences in charges for some
items that are frequently paid for out-of-pocket by a patient (such as
screening mammogram, complete blood count, or cardiogram). It is clear that if it were available
in a meaningful and convenient way, public disclosure of charges to the
individual consumer would provide practical information of real value.
How a hospital sets its charges tells you something
about their corporate attitude towards their patients. The hospital with the highest charges
in this study was owned by a company that subsequently was investigated by the
Federal Government for issues of fraud and abuse. The financial settlement the company agreed to pay was one
of the largest to that date. One
can only wonder if more transparency of that hospital's financial practices
would have led to earlier disclosures of benefit to its patients and community.
1993, the Commonwealth of Kentucky enacted comprehensive health care reform
legislation, HB 250. One portion of the new law (KRS 216, Section 3) required
all hospitals and many other classes of health care providers “to post in a
conspicuous place readily available to patients: (a) A statement of the maximum
daily charge for room and board, inclusive of all nursing services, by level of
care: and (b) A quotation of the maximum fee charged health care recipients for
each of the 25 services, procedures, or tests as prescribed by the [Health
Policy] board.” These 25 items were intended to represent common services
within each different class of provider.
Requiring hospitals to post such a list by July 1, 1995 was perhaps the
first result of the new legislation visible to the public.
legislative intent for this and other public disclosure of financial (and
outcome or quality) information is to permit the individual citizen and other
purchasers of health care services to make more informed decisions. Corporate entities and other
increasingly sophisticated payers have access to such information, but even
these organizations are still learning how to use it. The extent to which disclosure of such potentially complex
or even confusing information can or does influence decisions made at an
individual level remains to be demonstrated. A second potential intended benefit of this legislation was
to promote financial competition among providers such that health care costs
would not continue their same increase.
a result of intense lobbying by interest groups, most of HB250 was withdrawn or
altered such that on July 1, 1996, posting of typical charges was no longer required
by law. Whether that section of the bill served its intended purpose cannot be
known. Because the principles of
disclosure are still supported by many policy makers and public advocates, it
is appropriate to learn what we can from this pilot venture.
purposes of this initial analysis, I visited all the acute care hospitals in
Jefferson County to compile the financial information they displayed. One year
later, I revisited the same hospitals. The following discussion is a summary of those observations
and serves to introduce issues and questions that will need to be considered
for future implementations of public disclosure. A variety of other charts and
indices were prepared.
the months of April and May 1995, all nine acute care general hospitals in
Jefferson County, Kentucky, were visited with a standardized data collection
form. No notice of the visit was
given unless the posted prices could not be located. The accessibility and readability of the notices was
judged. A charge “index” for an
item or package of items is defined as the ratio of the charge at a given
hospital to the average charge for the same item(s) at all hospitals. Thus, an index of 2 means the charge of
that item was double the average.
A ratio of the maximum to the minimum (MMR) hospital charge was calculated for each item. A
Max/Min Ratio of 7 means that the most expensive hospital charged seven times
as much as the least expensive hospital for that item. Table 1 lists the items for which the
state required reporting.
the same time period of 1996, the hospitals were visited again. Data were compiled and compared, and
price increases were calculated for each individual item in each hospital.
was considerable variation in charges for a given item among hospitals, and
different relative charges for groups of services. For example, bed rates might be modest at one hospital, but
laboratory costs relatively high.
To provide a meaningful “average” charge and to attempt prediction of
total charges for an actual admission, the total charge for a hypothetical
three-day admission was derived.
The items used for this calculation are listed in Table 2 and include
most of the items for which unambiguous information was available. In three hospitals, one item was not
offered as a service, or not posted. One hospital did not have MRI equipment,
and the other two did not post the charge for a blood cross match or a hot
pack. In these three cases, the average
charge from the other hospitals was substituted in the hypothetical calculation
so as not to distort the result one way or the other.
an independent test of the validity of the hypothetical admission concept,
actual total charges to individual Medicare patients for a single common
medical condition were obtained for each hospital. Data were extracted from the
Health Care Financing Administration Medicare files (MEDPAR) for all admissions
in the calendar year 1992 to 1994 for DRG-89 (pneumonia and pleurisy with
complications or comorbidity). These data were obtained courtesy of the
Data Management Group, Inc. (Peoria, IL) from their product, MEDPARConnect.TM. These actual charges for a real
admission were then compared to the hypothetical admission described above. The
specialty children’s hospital was not included in this portion of the analysis.
the first visit, posted prices could be located with varying degrees of success
in the admitting areas. At one
hospital the posting could not be found, even when a request was made of the
staff. (The frame holding
the page had fallen behind a file cabinet an undetermined time earlier and no
one had apparently asked to see it before me.) A few hospitals had made easily readable signs with large
type, but most were typed on business stationery. The location of the signs was not always convenient. At one hospital it was posted well back
and high above a desk such that even this investigator had a difficult time
reading it. A potential observer might feel they were in the way of hospital
staff or patients at some hospitals. At the second visit, a different hospital brought out
their posting only at my request.
state law required a listing of the current maximum charges, most signs
had no date listed on them. At the
second visit one year later, three of the hospitals had exactly the same prices
posted as the year before, despite the fact that hospital staff informed me
that prices had been raised at least once in the intervening year. One of these hospitals immediately
provided me current charges and these are included in the calculations
below. Two hospitals (owned by the
same corporation) would not provide me with current charges despite several
visits, phone calls and letters.
One did send some updated charges later, but these were not included in
the comparisons below as they were provided only after the hospital
administration was aware of this study.
At a third hospital, the posted prices had been raised from the previous
year, but when I was observed recording them, the staff brought out a list of
even more current charges. In a
fourth hospital the former year’s charges were posted in one location, and a
more current set in another. At a fifth hospital, this investigator identified
two obvious typographical errors in the charges for the second visit. It is apparent that hospitals may
alter their charges more than once a year, and that the required postings were
frequently not current.
was substantial variation in virtually every individual item among the
hospitals. (See Table 3.) No one
hospital had the lowest nor the highest charge for
every item. For purposes of
discussion, a ratio of the maximum to the minimum charge (Max/Min Ratio) for
each item is calculated. The average
MMR for all individual items was 2.9.
For most items, the MMR was greater than 2, and for some laboratory and
imaging studies it was in the range of 4 to 8. For example, the MMR for obstetrical ultrasound was
4.8. A consumer would certainly
consider these differences meaningful.
no one hospital’s charges were highest for every item, the MMR of total charges
for the hypothetical admission was 1.4, which is less than that for most
individual services. Nonetheless, this represents a substantial
difference. An individual
receiving the designated services in the most expensive hospital for $7011
would pay $1865 more than if the services were provided at the least expensive
hospital, an increase of 36%. When
the component services of the hypothetical admission were broken down by
category, the MMR was 1.2 for imaging studies, 2.2 for Lab studies, and 2.3 for
cardiology services.
of similar magnitude were observed for services commonly obtained as an
outpatient. An individual could
obtain a bilateral diagnostic mammogram (hospital component only) in 1995 for
as little as $65 or as much as $184; a complete blood count for $34 or $74; or
a cardiogram for $62 or $90.
average price of the hypothetical admission at the four for-profit hospitals
was $6444 compared to $5747 for the four not-for profits. The investor owned
hospitals were priced 12.1% higher than the not-for-profit institutions. (Although not the most expensive
hospital, the single specialty children’s hospital had charges that were higher
than those of the other acute care hospitals. Although it was operated as a non-profit hospital, because
of its unique status as a children's hospital, it was excluded from this latter
Medicare charges for DRG-89
variation in the actual average total charges to individual patients with
pneumonia was even greater than predicted from consideration of posted prices.
The mean total charge for the 8 hospitals was $9891. The average bill at the least expensive hospital was $6939
but at the most expensive hospital the average bill to the patient was a
stunning 78% higher at $12,328!
was very good statistical correlation of the charge for the hypothetical
admission with the real-life charge for DRG-89; r=0.78,
p=0.022. The hospital with the
most expensive hypothetical admission nearly tied for the highest actual
Medicare charges. The hospital
with the lowest posted charges also had the lowest Medicare charge.
(Anecdotally, this latter hospital is well respected and certainly provides
care of excellent quality.)
in the second year of implementation
from only 7 of the 9 hospitals was available for this analysis. All had changed
their posted charges. For
the hypothetical admission, the average increase was 5.8%. The charge for the hypothetical
admission at the hospital with the lowest hypothetical admission charge the
prior year actually decreased by 1.4%.
At the other hospitals, the hypothetical admission charge increased from
as little as 2.0 to 15.4%.
Of the seven hospitals for which data were available in 1996, the one
with the highest posted prices charged $2108, or 41% more for the hypothetical
admission than the hospital with the lowest posted charges. The hospital with the highest posted
charges in 1995 did not provide figures for 1996 so the actual difference
between lowest and highest may be even higher. In general, hospitals retained their relative rank for
posted charges in year 2. The three hospitals with the lowest charges in 1995
retained their respective positions.
The hospital with the third highest charges in 1995 increased its rates
more than any other and posted the highest charges overall in 1996.
of individual items yielded insights into how hospital charges are
determined. Changes for each item
were not generally made individually, but rather reflected a fixed increase
across the board, or within a category of service. For example, all levels of emergency room charges in a given
hospital would be increased by 9%, or laboratory studies by 8%. One hospital
increased its charge for therapeutic exercise by 44%. Another hospital increased all its laboratory charges by
30%. Some of the individual
differences in 1996 prices between hospitals were stunning. The charge for a mammogram at one
(excellent) hospital was $64.67, and at another hospital was $222.20, a ratio
of 3.4. This latter hospital,
already having the highest charge for mammogram in 1995, increased its charge
by 21% in 1996.
Table 1.
Required Posted Charges and Fees for HB250 |
Inpatient Care |
Private |
Semi-private |
ICU-Regular |
ER Visit |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Level 5 |
Level 6 |
Outpatient Observation |
Radiology |
Screening Mammogram |
Diag. Mammogram |
Chest, Portable |
Chest, 2 view |
CT Head w/wo contrast |
Laboratory |
Hematocrit |
time |
Glucose venous |
Glucose finger |
Urinalysis |
Urine culture |
Blood culture |
Blood cross match |
Magnesium |
SMA 7 (Electrolytes) |
18 (Chemical Profile) |
Ultrasound |
Obstetrical |
Gallbladder |
Cardiac |
Stress test/treadmill |
Rehab |
Therapeutic exercise, 1 hr |
Cold/Hot pack |
Head without contrast |
Head with contrast |
Head with and without contrast |
Table 2: Elements
of a Hypothetical Admission
to compare hospital charges)
CPT Code |
• |
bed, (2 days) |
• |
(1 day) |
• |
Level 4 ER
Visit |
Imaging Studies |
•76091 |
Diag. Mammogram |
•71020 |
Chest, 2 view |
•70470 |
CT Head w/wo contrast |
•70553 |
MRI of Head ±
contrast |
•76805 |
Ultrasound |
•76705 |
Ultrasound |
Laboratory |
• |
•85610 |
Prothrombin time |
•82803 |
• |
Glucose venous |
•81000 |
Urinalysis |
•87083 |
Urine culture |
•87040 |
Blood culture |
•86920 |
Blood cross
match |
•82550 |
•83735 |
Magnesium |
•80007 |
SMA 7 |
•80018 |
18 |
Cardiology |
•93005 |
•93017 |
test/treadmill |
Other |
• |
exercise, 1 hr |
• |
Cold/Hot pack |